Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The Science to Earning a Man's Love!!

Girls get angry when they discover their guy doesn't love them.  But truth be told... WE CAN'T!!

Men are made in the likeness of GOD!!  To understand our wiring, one must first look into the wiring of God Himself.  God (not Christ Jesus...but God) does not have the capacity to love what is not Himself.  Men are the same when it comes to romantic relationships.  We DO NOT have the capability to love what is not apart of us.  If women could understand that, there wouldn't be so much frustration in relationships today.

Adam did not love Eve; Adam loved Adam!!  Eve experienced Adam's love because she came from the INSIDES of Adam. And when she got on the scene, she didn't know that her little 5 sentence relationship with Adam would be STRONGER than his 5 page relationship with GOD!!  POWERFUL is the woman who's experienced the INSIDES of a man!!

A woman does not love like GOD, but rather like Christ.  A woman must make a DECISION to die for what she loves.  This means that she shuts herself down long enough to gain entrance into a man's inner parts.  And she stays inside of him long enough, to when she steps outside of him, she holds the capability to speak for his house, or rather his INSIDES!!  A girl cannot make that type of DECISION for everybody.  In fact, she can't make the DECISION to enter into a man unless his heart grants her access.  But when she receives access... and processes through...she leaves out, not just a rib... but a RIB CAGE!!  And a man will GIVE HIS LIFE for the protector of his INSIDES!!


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