Love is HARD. In fact, love is harder for a man to obtain these days than ever before. PERIOD!! Not "love" as we think it to be, but actual LOVE, as it was designed to be. Yea, THAT love is pretty hard to obtain, nowadays. And given the new financial dynamics of the "average black couple", THAT love may become a thing of the past. My goal in blogging is to share the principles of, and barriers to, GENUINE LOVE. Hopefully, it may help someone.

He's a BALLER; She's a Baller. He's a celebrity; She's a celebrity. He got a busy schedule; She got a busy schedule. He got fans; She got them, too! Can a celebrity ever find love with another celebrity. Can a baller ever find love with another baller. Can the famous be famously in love. Can the powerful meet the requirements of love, together. All of these are my questions of the hour!!
Genuine Love, no matter how much money one has, REQUIRES the same:

Love costs!! And blue checks work just like white ones when it comes to paying the price! Believe THAT!!
Rx. Dr.Love
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