"Flesh Of My Flesh" and "Bone Of My Bone" This is how the first man that walked the earth describes the love he is experiencing. And he goes on to say, that this love that he is experiencing, qualifies one to leave their father and mother and cleave unto the woman that they commit to. Cleave equates to stick like glue. So, according to the first man, love allows one to stick like glue to what they commit to. That's pretty POWERFUL!!
Love for a man is really all about shelter for his heart. Man finds shelter in the love of his parents. But according to Adam, when a man meets the woman who holds the capacity to house his heart, he will release his parents of their "heart housing" responsibility, and look to his woman for his heart's new HOME!!
A man's heart is simply his words. If a man speaks long enough, he will eventually leak words that are bloody red. These words are the foundation of his heart. For a woman to get a man to release bloody red words, she must meet the requirements. An old deacon once told me that the difference between the Bible which had all black words, and the one that contained red words, is the price one is willing to pay!! So if a girl wants to pull a man's heart through his mouth, she must pay the price. And that price is DEATH!! She must lay down her life to HEAR the words; she must temporarily die to self to hear the blood!! And the blood of a man's heart speaks from the ground floor, LOUDLY!!
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