Branding Love: The Business of Making Love NOT War!!
How did the notorious "King of The South", become the world's next "Cliff Huxtable". Inquiring minds want to know. Really! Was it a spur of the moment kind of thing, or did the decision to take a family to reality TV have something to do with being connected to a woman who knew the insides of her partner; even better than the more powerful media. I'll take the latter for 500, Alex!
I've always been a fan of Tiny. Not just as one of the greatest singers and song writers to grace the earth; but also as the poster chick for Ride Or Die relationship commitment. Through thick and thin she stood beside her partner, and honest to God, PRODUCED the image of what we see today.
As much as I pride myself on knowing music history, only recently learned that T.I's real name is "Cliff". I think knowing the inner Cliff behind the title, is what motivated Tiny to PRODUCE the brand of love we see today, on Family Hustle.
Vision is wonderful. And love is divine. But a woman with a vision of love is HARRRD to find! Big ups to Tiny for sticking with her vision for love!
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