Snow Bunnies In Desert Storms: The War On Loving Realistically!!
When my nephew was in high school, he dated this really pretty dark skinned girl named, Shaqueeda. I mean, they went EVERY WHERE together; and I do mean, every where! If you saw him, you saw her. PERIOD!! He was just head over heels for this girl, and everybody knew it, too. But one day, he came to the crib talking bout how he only liked white girls. And Lord knows I don't have a problem with white girls, except for the fact that, my nephew didn't know any!! The earlier one exposes a knife to the back, the better chance one has of preventing that knife from doing more damage. And if one allows a knife to stay in their back, the more likely they will experience severer injury, as they move their feet. After asking around, I eventually discovered that my nephew was told by his little homies, that his girl was giving some "neck" round the schoolhouse. I laughed it off, because I knew Queeda and she didn't appear to be wild like that. But comes to find out, she admitted to the rumors without even putting up an argument or denial. And this crushed my nephew, who had already paid his prom fee. How could he be so stupid, he wanted to know. His girl of two years; the one he loved; and the one whom he was taking to prom, was an undercover freak. And all his homies knew. How could he live this down! When I discovered everything that transpired, I then knew why my nephew never wanted to mess with black girls again. I understood his pain. I would be embarrassed as hell, too. But I had to make sure he knew that personalities and skin types have no association. Promising to never talk to another black girl IN LIFE, wouldn't solve his problems. However, making a decision to get to know someone before giving his heart away, would.
Today, nephew is doing well at Hampton University, and dates a beautiful white girl from Richmond, Va. But last month he dated a beautiful black girl from Williamsburg, Va. And next week, he'll probably date a bad Puerto Rican from West Blip Jip!! Bottom line: Today, he doesn't have an emotional injury, because I forced him to expose the knife. If we forced all of our kids to love realistically, no telling how happy our world would grow to be. Rx Dr.Love
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