Friday, October 12, 2012

The INDEPENDENT Chic: Potential Nightmare On Love Street!!

"I N D E P E N D E N you know what that means, BOY?"  That's what a girl told me a few years back; and she wasn't just singing Webbie's latest track, either.  This girl wanted me to know that she was too successful as a woman, to even consider being a HOUSE-wife.  And that was cool with me... but I wonder how many women realize that when it comes to love, ALL WOMEN must qualify as a HOUSE wife.

A man loves (romantically) the way God loves, by reaction. God loves what loves Him. PERIOD!!  But women love differently.  A woman loves the way Christ loves; through acts of dying for something.  And when a girl lays down her life, she QUALIFIES to join a man in the spirit realm.  For men can ONLY LOVE that which is able to join them in the realm of the spirit. And death is the prerequisite to joining another in the spirit realm.  Love is a spiritual process!

No matter how much money a girl makes, or how I.N.D.E.P.E.N.D.E.N.T she may be; in order for her to receive a man's love, she MUST QUALIFY as a HOUSE-wife.  "HOUSE-wife" is a spiritual ranking.  A HOUSE-wife can be a lawyer, doctor, or 4-Star General; she can be a bad cook and horrible cleaner; have a junkie car and even worse state of affairs for a bathroom... as long as she houses a man's heart, she qualifies.

A man's heart spills from his mouth via words and sentences.  If a girl lays down her life long enough, she runs the chance of seeing her guys words as bricks; and holds the chance to build with those bricks.  A HOUSE is simply a guy's external heart.  And that HOUSE is not found on a street or curve.  That house is a mobile one.  Yes, a MOBILE HOME...found in the presence of the woman who loves her man.  Wherever that girl's feet are planted, her man's HOUSE is located.

HOME, for a man, will always be where his heart is!

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