Sunday, June 17, 2012

What is Love

What is Love?  If you are asking this question, CONGRATULATIONS!  The raising of the mere question itself signals the questioner's potential to Love.  But what is Love?  Well, Love is a NOUN!  Yes, Love is a Person, Place, and that which is a Thing!  And ain't it funny, though, that you can be with a person you Love, In a place that you Love, and STILL not have that thing (RING!) that signals Love to the world?

Well, my goal in blogging is to share my gift of Love through lessons for you!  I am one who was gifted with Love by God Himself.  I was taught Love.  I was trained in Love.  I was given the greatest spiritual ranking of Love, which is Charity!  What's a gift without the ability to give it!  I'm thankful for God not only making me a Lover, but also thinking enough of me to make me charitable with that Love!  I pray you take these lessons as food for your soul.  Love is food, and these lessons are Love!  Eat and be FULL!

God bless,
  Doctor Love 

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