Sunday, June 17, 2012

Understanding The Title of Lover!

It humors me to hear the number of people who think it impossible to love that which does not love them.  Sorry guys; it's not only possible, but also very common!  Love is INDIVIDUAL!  This means that the power of Love is made known at the point of DECISION.  And the ability to make a decision to love another is not restricted to just those individuals who are loved or will be loved in the future.  As long as an INDIVIDUAL progresses through the three steps of the Love Process, they are entitled to wear the title of LOVER at completion of that process.  And yes, there are many lovers who are unloved!

Sally met Johnny.  Sally put in the time to know Johnny.  Sally then made a decision to love Johnny.  Even though Johnny refused to take the time to know Sally, by virtue of him allowing Sally to know him, he gave Sally the spiritual right to love him.  Sally will now experience the power of love.  She will experience the power of love, because the power of love is made known after an individual DECISION is made to love.

The power of the decision to love, and the power of being IN- LOVE are two separate, powerful things!  Being IN-love is a result of two people who have made a DECISION to love in the same relationship.  Our world has many lovers, but very few of those individuals are IN-Love.  My goal is to change that through the sharing of my cupidical protocols.  One day soon, the numbers will change!

Be blessed,

Doctor Love

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