In the Bible, in the book of Genesis, a man named Adam has a father named God; who's also his boss...and landlord...and friend...and a host of many other titles that make his position to Adam a very unique one. THIS powerful being God, gives Adam one rule; which is to not eat from a certain tree. But the woman whom Adam knew a shorter amount of time, tells Adam to eat from the tree that God forbids him to eat from. Adam listens to the woman and ignores this powerful being, who knew him longer; who also happens to be his boss...and landlord...and friend...and GOD! How powerful is this woman?
The Eve in the Bible represents a woman who knows the INSIDES of her man. She knows his desires; she knows his wants; she knows his past; she can predict his future! When God discovered that Adam ignored Him and ate from the tree after He commanded him not to, He then asked Adam, why. Adam says clearly, the woman told me to! How powerful is this woman?
For a woman to obtain the power of Eve in a 2012 relationship environment, she would need to have that which Eve had. In order to have the power of Eve a woman would need to ensure that her words to her man are based upon his insides! "Eve" is simply a conversation. "Eve" is simply words spoken in a man's hearing that are based on the insides of that man. For a woman to be considered an Eve today, she would need to tailor her words to her man's inner parts. And a woman can't get inside unless given permission by God. And God doesn't give permission today unless that woman has qualified as a lover to that man!
Eve is simply a spiritual qualification/ranking that a woman picks up in the process of loving a man. If you don't have the qual; you don't have the love!
Be blessed,
Dr Love
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