Monday, July 2, 2012

Love & Marriage: My Poem on Divine Orgies of Pencils, Pens & Paper!

God bless!
Dr Love

YODO FLAME: My Poem On Street Fighters For Love

Be blessed
Dr Love

Chris Brown's FORTUNE ALBUM: Why I Support TEAM Breezy!

This album represents EVERYTHING to me.  And honestly, it should represent EVERYTHING to you, as well! From the old men who had dreams, but were denied the chance to live them; to the young men who have dreams but are facing life sentences of rejection because of one mistake.  This latest Chris Brown album is for EVERYONE!!

Fortune represents the comeback!  This album represents the 2nd chance!  The album represents life after death! Dare I say, this album represents RESURRECTION!

We couldn't give Michael Vick a ring, but more than just Eagle fans were rooting for Philadelphia last year.  People who had never tuned into football a day in their lives, were watching and praying earnestly for Vick to make it all the way.  Why...because down inside every human has the humane belief of and IN 2nd chances.  We are people who believe in comebacks!

Well, Michael Vick didn't make it to the Superbowl last year, BUT you can still support the movement, by purchasing the Fortune cd come Tuesday.  The success of this cd represents the victory that we wanted Vick, and everyone like him, to achieve.  We are a people who believe in comebacks!  And even though we had no power to push Vick's team to the finish line, we do possess the power to stand in line, and purchase a Chris Brown Fortune cd this Tuesday!

This cd is the 2nd chance your uncle, cousin, pops, or even brother, may not have ever received.  This cd is LIFE after death!  The success of this cd is what we are ALL capable of, if shown love after surviving a dark place.  THIS cd represents all that's good within you.  This cd represents all that's possible within me!

Imagine if we had the purchasing power to BUY Michael Vick a Superbowl ring after making it through all that he did.  Well, the purchasing of the Chris Brown FORTUNE album, this Tuesday, is your chance to represent!  Falling once or twice, is inevitable in this life.  Getting the opportunity to stand after having fallen, is not guaranteed.  But the passion to attempt to stand anyway, after being denied help is a MOVEMENT!

Team Breezy is a movement that's charting new territory.  My goal is to support as much as possible.  And I can start Tuesday, by purchasing a Chris Brown FORTUNE cd!

Be blessed
Dr Love